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P. 8

Vocabulary Focus

             A   Match the words with their meanings.

            1.    metabolism                             a.   a natural substance such as iron
                                                             or salt

            2.     nutrient                              b.   the chemical process in your body
                                                             that changes food into energy

            3.      survive                              c.   a chemical or food that helps
                                                             living things live and grow

            4.     mineral                               d.  to continue to live

             B   Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

                         nutrients      sun      solar      metabolism

            1.   Living things grow and change with the help of                               energy.

            2.  Without energy from the                          , no life would exist.

            3.  Living things undergo                         .

            4.  Plants need air, water,                       , sunlight, and space to grow.

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