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P. 11

comprehension checkup

                  A  Select True or False.

                 1.  The moon lights up the sun.                                                  T  / F

                 2.    The moon reflects the light from the sun.                                  T  / F

                  B  Choose the best answers.

                 1.  What is the story about?

                     a.  The shape of the moon

                     b.  The moon lit up by the sun

                     c.  The moon that produces light

                 2.  Why can we see the moon?

                     a.  because the moon is very large
                     b.  because the moon produces light

                     c.  because the sun lights up the moon

                 3.  What parts of the moon can we see?

                     a.  the parts that looks small
                     b.  the parts that are giving off light

                     c.  the parts that are reflecting light from the sun

                 4.  Why does the moon look small?

                     a.  because the moon is small

                     b.  because the moon is far away
                     c.  because the moon reflects light

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