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P. 16

Grammar Focus

                    A   Check the correct sentences.

                    1  a.   Smog, mostly from cars, and factories, are one cause of air pollution.
                        b.  Smog, mostly from cars, and factories, is one cause of air pollution.

                    2  a.  Air pollution can make it hard for people to breathe.

                        b. Air pollution can make it hard to people to breathe.

                    3  a.  It is caused to the garbage people produce.

                        b. It is caused by the garbage people produce.

                    4  a.  The algae grow excessively because of the fertilizer.

                        b. The algae grow excessively because from the fertilizer.

                    5  a.  No one wants living in a polluted environment.

                        b. No one wants to live in a polluted environment.

                    B   Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

                    1  When they die, they sink to the bottom and ( decay / decays ).

                    2   As ( more / many ) garbage piles up in landfills, the waste material seeps
                        into the ground.

                    3   The soil becomes ( polluted / pollute ) and causes diseases in humans.

                    4  ( Use / Using ) recycled paper napkins and reusable plastic containers.

                    5   The decaying process uses oxygen ( that / what ) we need to survive.

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