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P. 11

comprehension checkup

                  A  Select True or False.

                 1.  You don’t need to make food for plants.                                      T  / F

                 2.    Stems and leaves are parts of plants.                                      T  / F

                  B  Choose the best answers.

                 1.  What is the story about?

                     a.  The way that plants grow

                     b.  The lives and parts of plants

                     c.  The importance of roots

                 2.  Why do plants grow and change?

                     a.  because plants have roots

                     b.  because plants are living things

                     c.  because plants need food to live

                 3.  What does not belong to plants?

                     a.  stems

                     b.  roots

                     c.  ground

                 4.  What do leaves do?

                     a.  Leaves store food or water.

                     b.  Leaves hold up plants.

                     c.  Leaves keep plants in the ground.

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