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TOEIC Writing
          04        ៵⊵ 㻬㉸㶸

                         ੽ࣘࢎܳ ഝਊೠ ޙ੢ ٜ݅ӝ
               01        ࢎ૓ ޑࢎ ׮ࢽ ѐ੄ ޙ੢ ઺ ف ѐח ੽ࣘࢎܳ ੉ਊೠ ޙઁо ١੢ೠ׮  ੽ࣘࢎܳ ੉ਊೠ ޙ੢਷ ױࣽೠ |઱
                         য   زࢎ   ݾ੸য}੄ ҳઑо ইפۄ ઱੺ ੉৻ী ੽ࣘࢎܳ ੉ਊೠ ઙࣘ੺ਸ ٜ݅যঠ ೠ׮  ૊ |੽ࣘࢎ
                         ઱য  زࢎ}о ߈٘द ੉ܞ૑ب۾ ٜ݅যঠ ೠ׮  ੽ࣘࢎ੄ ઙܨח ݆૑݅ Ӓ ઺ী ݆੉ ୹ઁغח ੽ࣘࢎܳ
                         ૘઺੸ਵ۽ ҕࠗ೧ ف੗

                 ]  ׹߸ ೙ࣻ ਃࣗ   ӝ୹ ੽ࣘࢎ

            1.     ઙࣘ ੽ࣘࢎ

                 ↜  When _ೡ ٸ   ঱ઁ
                                                                              աח ࢶࢤש੉ য়ݶ Ӓ ࣻসী ١۾ೡ
                 ª  I will sign up for the class when my teacher comes back.
                 ª  I don’t know when he will come here
                                                                              ੷ח Ӓо ঱ઁ جইৢ૑ ݽܰѷযਃ
                 ↜  While _زউ

                 ª  She is reading a book while drinking coffee.              Ӓ֗ח ழೖܳ ݃दݶࢲ ଼ਸ ੍Ҋ ੓
                                                                              ח ઺੉׮

                 ↜  While ߈ݶী
                 ª  My sister likes playing games, while I like watching TV.   ঱פח ѱ੐ਸ જইೞח ߈ݶ ੷ח 57
                                                                              ࠁח Ѫਸ જই೧ਃ

                 ↜  Until _ೡ ٸө૑
                 ª  They can’t get off work until they finish their work.     Ӓٜ਷ ੌਸ ݃ச ٸө૑ ృӔೡ ࣻ

                 ↜  So that _ೞӝ ਤ೧ࢲ
                 ª  They are studying hard so that they can study abroad.       Ӓٜ਷ য೟োࣻ оӝ ਤ೧ࢲ ৌब൤
                                                                              ҕࠗೞҊ ੓׮
                 ª  She is going upstairs so that she can give a presentation.
                                                                              Ӓ֗ח ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ਸ ೞӝ ਤ೧ࢲ
                                                                              ਤகਵ۽ ৢۄоҊ ੓ח ઺੉׮
                 ↜  As long as _ೞח ೠ

                 ª  As long as the shirt is not expensive, the man can buy it.   Ӓ ࣊எо ࠺ऱ૑ ঋח ೠ Ӓ թ੗ח
                                                                              ӒѪਸ ࢓ ࣻ ੓׮
                 ª  As long as people like my songs, I will never give up singing.
                                                                              ࢎۈٜ੉ ղ ֢ېܳ જইೞח ೠ աח
                                                                              ֢ې ࠗܰח Ѫਸ ݥ୶૑ ঋਸ Ѫ੉׮
           42 _ Part 1
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