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੿ܻ ଱଱           ױয ࠶۾ਸ ೤୓ೞৈ ޙ੢ ҳઑܳ ੿ܻ೧ ࠁࣁਃ

               1    UP   ੢ࣗ ಴അ

                    زࢎ ٍী ੹஖ࢎ toܳ ࠢੋ ੢ࣗ ಴അٜਸ ࠢੌ ࣻ ੓যਃ  toח r_ө૑sۄח ڷ੉ীਃ

                          ઱য 4                                                 ࠗࢎҳ ੢ࣗ ಴അ

                           I                                    to the house        /       to the store
                           աח            زࢎ 7                       ૘ө૑                         оѱө૑

                          We              run                    to the gym         /       to the bank
                          ਋ܻח            ׳ܽ׮                       ୓ਭҙө૑                        ਷೯ө૑

                         They                                 to the bathroom       /    to the bus station
                          Ӓٜ਷                                      ച੢पө૑                     ߡझ ੿ܨ੢ө૑

                    աח ૘ө૑ ׳ܽ׮                             I run to the house.

                    ਋ܻח ୓ਭҙө૑ ׳ܽ׮                          We run to the gym.

                    Ӓٜ਷ ߡझ ੿ܨ੢ө૑ ׳ܽ׮                       They run to the bus station.

               2    JO BMPOH   ੢ࣗ ಴അ

                    ੉ߣূ ੹஖ࢎ in੉ա alongਸ ࠢੋ ੢ࣗ ಴അٜਸ ೤୓೧ ࠇद׮  in਷ r_ীࢲs  along਷ r_ਸ ٮۄs੄ ڷ

                                                                               ࠗࢎҳ ੢ࣗ ಴അ

                          ઱য 4
                                                               in the hallway       /     along the river
                                         زࢎ 7                       ࠂبীࢲ                       ъਸ ٮۄ
                           Ӓח             ran                    in the park        /     along the street
                                         ׳۷׮                        ҕਗীࢲ                       ӡਸ ٮۄ
                                                             in the playground      /     along the beach
                                                                   ਍ز੢ীࢲ                       ೧߸ਸ ٮۄ

                    Ӓח ਍ز੢ীࢲ ׳۷׮                           He ran in the playground.

                    Ӓ֗ח ъਸ ٮۄ ׳۷׮                          She ran along the river.

                                                                                                  ف ߣ૩ زࢎ SVO  h  61

     기적의영어(본문)_1-2-1.indd   61                                                                                   13. 10. 22.   오후 7:38
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