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P. 21

Practice 2    ▶ 정답 및 해설은 365쪽                           5-3.mp3

                   4. What is the man asked to do?

                     (A) Make a flight reservation
                     (B) Order some office supplies
                     (C) Provide the woman with some information
                     (D) Give the woman a ride to the airport

                   5. Where is the head office located?

                     (A) In Ireland
                     (B) In Canada
                     (C) In Mexico
                     (D) In England

                   6. What does the man advise the woman to do?

                     (A) Avoid taking the highway
                     (B) Cancel a meeting
                     (C) Go quickly to the airport
                     (D) Hire additional truck drivers

                                                         5장 PART 3 지문 유형별 풀이 요령  191

     토익의원리_파트1234_본문_최종_0707.indd   191                                     2020. 7. 7.   오전 11:12
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