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                   01        Strict Boss Cares, Too

                                                                     엄격한 상사의 배려

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                  원어민 음성 mp3 파일을 들어보세요. 3번 반복되는 동안 원어민의 소리에만 집중하세요. 내용은 다음 단계
                  에서 이해하면 됩니다.                                            01-1.mp3

                   There was a man named Joe.

                   He was working for a company.

                   He had a boss named Michael.

                   Michael was very strict.

                   One day, something big happened.

                   Joe made a wrong order.

                   The company’s loss was big.

                   Joe decided to quit.

                   But Michael protected Joe.

                   Later, Joe was promoted to a high position.


          스토레텔링_본문(01~)3.indd   26                                            2018. 9. 17.   오전 11:01
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