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P. 13

                    Check up Quiz    য়٣য়ܳ ٛҊ ࠼஢ਸ ଻ਕࠁ੗

                    01  I hope you take the          to relax.

                    02  You will need a heavy         .

                    03  According to the          , how can someone purchase the product?

                    04  The cars are           at a traffic light.

                    05  We             exciting tour packages during your stay.

                    06  Some trees are being          .

                    07  Our             stop on the city tour is Eco World.

                    08  Why has the man            the woman?

                    09  The lamp has been            on.

                    10               all our experts have spoken, we will collect the cards.

                    11  A ship is           under the bridge.

                    12  Have you             the manager about it?

                    13  What kind of shoes did you         ?

                    14  They are            the plants.

                    15  What is being          ?

                    16  I’d like to         a reservation of the room I booked yesterday.

                    17  To             an appointment, please press ‘1’ now.

                    18  The             staff will participate in the conference.

                    19  The truck is           next to containers.

                    20  The             has been signed.

                    ] ੿׹ ]   1. opportunity   2. coat   3. advertisement   4. stopped   5. offer   6. planted   7. last   8. contacted   9. turned   10. After
                    11. passing   12. asked   13. purchase   14. watering   15. rescheduled   16. confirm   17. schedule   18. entire   19. parked   20.

   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17