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3   You can make use of them in your everyday conversations
                                       ׼न਷ ӒѪٜਸ ഝਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮    ݒੌ੄ ؀ചীࢲ
                                    with friends.

                              ੉ ޙ੢ب ف ѐ੄  ੹஖ࢎ ݺࢎ о ޙ੢ ٍী ࠢযࢲ ӡয ࠁ੉ח ҳઑੑפ׮
                              ޙ੢ ೨ब ਃࣗܳ ઁ৻ೠ  ੹஖ࢎ ݺࢎ  ഋక੄ ੹஖ࢎҳܳ ଺ইࠁࣁਃ

                                о૑஖ӝ ഛੋ

                                 You can make use of them  in your everyday conversations  with friends .
                                 ׼न਷ ӒѪٜਸ ഝਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮         ݒੌ੄ ؀ചীࢲ             ஘ҳٜҗ

                                  4   When Branson lost the bet with AirAsia CEO Tony
                                    Fernandes, he wanted to keep his words.
                                    He had to shave his legs, and got dressed up as a female
                                    flight attendant from London to Kuala Lumpur.
                                    ࠳ےट੉ ղӝীࢲ ઎ਸ ٸ  ীয ইदই੄ $&0 షפ ಕܰդؘझ৬੄   Ӓח ডࣘਸ

                                    ૑ఃҊ र঻׮  Ӓח ׮ܻܳ ݶب೧ঠ ೮Ҋ   ࠺೯ӝ ৈࢿ थޖਗ୊ۢ ৩ਸ ର۰ ੑ঻׮
                                    ۠؍ীࢲ ௢ঌۄܚ೐ܰө૑

                              when ࠗࢎ੺ী ੹஖ࢎҳо ਤ஖ೞҊ ੓णפ׮  ف ߣ૩ ޙ੢਷ ઱য Heী  ز
                              ࢎҳ had to shave   and زࢎҳ got dressed up  ۽ োѾػ ҳઑੑפ׮  ޙ
                              ੢ ೨ब ਃࣗܳ ઁ৻ೠ  ੹஖ࢎ ݺࢎ  ഋక੄ ੹஖ࢎҳܳ ଺ইࠁࣁਃ

                                о૑஖ӝ ഛੋ
                                 When Branson lost the bet  with AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes , he
                                 wanted to keep his words. He had to shave his legs, and
                                 got dressed up as a female flight attendant  from London
                                 to Kuala Lumpur .
                                 ࠳ےट੉ ղӝীࢲ ઎ਸ ٸ  ীয ইदই੄ $&0 షפ ಕܰդؘझ৬੄   Ӓח ডࣘਸ ૑ఃҊ र঻׮
                                 Ӓח ׮ܻܳ ݶب೧ঠ ೮Ҋ  ࠺೯ӝ ৈࢿ थޖਗ୊ۢ ৩ਸ ର۰ ੑ঻׮  ۠؍ীࢲ   ௢ঌۄܚ೐ܰө૑

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