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            Part      աী ؀೧ ݈ೡ ٸ
             1        ԙ աয়ח ష೗

                      01  ղ ૒স ݈ೞӝ
                        What sort of work do you do?                  019

                      02  ղ ࢿѺ ݈ೞӝ
                        How would you describe your personality?      025

                      03  ղ ࢤഝ ಁఢ ݈ೞӝ
                        Are you a morning person or a night person?    031

                      04  ղ ੉࢚ഋ ݈ೞӝ
                        What’s your ideal type?                       037

                      05  ղ ૚௼झ ݈ೞӝ
                        Are you jinxed in any way?                    043

                      06  ղо જইೞח ো৘ੋ ݈ೞӝ
                        Do you have any favorite celebrities?         049

                      07  ղо ҳ૒੉ա ੉૒ द ઺ਃೞѱ ࢤпೞח Ѫ
                         What are your priorities when you look
                        for or change jobs?                           055

                      08  ղо ੜೞח ਃܻ ݈ೞӝ
                        What’s your specialty in cooking?             061

                      09  ղо ࠂӂী ׼୎ػ׮ݶ
                        What would you do first if you won the lottery?    067
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