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_ զॿо যٸਃ                                                    023.mp3

                      What’s the weather like ~?

          ੉ ಁఢ਷ അ੤੄ զॿо যڃ૑ ޛਸ ٸ ࢎਊೞݴ )PXsT UIF XFBUIFS ੉ۄҊ ೧ب ؾפ׮  җѢ੄ զॿܳ ޛਸ ٸח 8IBU XBT UIF
          XFBUIFS MJLF _ ۄҊ ೞҊ  ޷ې੄ զॿܳ ޛਸ ٸח 8IBU XJMM UIF XFBUIFS CF MJLF _ ۄҊ ݈೧ঠ ೤פ׮

           " Oh, it’s sunny here.                      " য়  ৈӟ զॿо ചହೞ֎ਃ
           # What’s the weather like in London?        #  ۠؍਷ զॿо যٸਃ
           "  It rains a lot!                          " ࠺о ݆੉ ৬ਃ
           # Oh, I see.                                # ই  Ӓۧҵਃ

             ӒҔ਷ զॿо যٸਃ                 What’s the weather like there?

             - " ח զॿо যٸਃ               What’s the weather like in L.A.?

             ৈܴীח զॿо যٸਃ                What’s the weather like in summer?

             য়ט਷ զॿо যٸਃ

              ਘীח զॿо যٸਃ

             Ӓ ਤח զॿо যٸਃ

             ਃ્਷ զॿо যٸਃ

             ഘ௖਷ զॿо যٸਃ

             ࢑ ਤח զॿо যٸਃ

             ੉݋ٸ ӒҔ਷ զॿо যٸਃ

                                                                               ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗  ଃী

                    7 ਃ્ these days, lately   9 ࢑ ਤী up in the mountains, ࢑ԙ؀ӝ top of the mountain, mountaintop, mountain
                    peak   10 ੉݋ٸ at this time of year

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