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113  I never thought...  _਷ ࢤпب উ ೧ ࠌযਃ                 152
                           114  Do you think...?  _ۄҊ ࢤп೧ਃ                         153
                           115  What do you think of...?  _ী ؀೧ যڌѱ ࢤп೧ਃ           154

              Unit 17      want

                           116  I want...  _ਸ ਗ೧ਃ                                  156
                           117  I want you to...  ׼न੉ _ೞݶ જѷযਃ                     157
                           118  I just wanted to...  ׮݅ _ೞҊ र঻ਸ ࡺ੉ীਃ               158
                           119  The last thing I want to do is...  _݅਷ ੿݈ ਗೞ૑ ঋইਃ   159
                           120  Do you want...?  _ೞदѷযਃ                            160
                           121  Do you want me to...?  ղо _೧ ઴өਃ                   161
                           122  What do you want to...?  ަ _ೞҊ रযਃ                 162

              Unit 18      know

                           123  I don’t know if...  _ੋ૑ ݽܰѷযਃ                      164
                           124  I don’t know why...  ৵ _ੋ૑ ݽܰѷযਃ                   165
                           125  I don’t know how...  যڌѱ _ೞח Ѥ૑ ݽܰѷযਃ              166
                           126  You don’t know how...  ঴݃ա _ೠ૑ ށۄਃ                 167
                           127  Do you know how...?  যڌѱ _ೞח૑ ইࣁਃ                  168
                           128  Do you know what...?  _੉ ޥ૑ ইࣁਃ                    169

              Unit 19      need

                           129  I need...  _੉ ೙ਃ೧ਃ                                 171
                           130  I need to...  _೧ঠ ೧ਃ                               172
                           131  I need you to...  _೧ ઻ঠ ೧ਃ                         173
                           132  You don’t need to...  _ೡ ೙ਃо হযਃ                   174
                           133  All I need is...  ղѱ ೙ਃೠ Ѥ য়૒ _੉ীਃ                 175

              Unit 20      mean

                           134  I didn’t mean to...  _ೡ ੄بח ইפ঻যਃ                  177
                           135  Do you mean...?  _ۄח ݈੉ীਃ                          178
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