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_਷ যڌѱ ೧ ܾ٘өਃ                                                043.mp3

                      How would you like...?

          )PX XPVME ZPV MJLF    ח ઱۽ ਺ध੼ীࢲ ਃܻܳ যڌѱ ೡ૑ী ؀ೠ ߑध੉ա  ࢚੼ীࢲ Ѿઁ ߑߨ੉ա ࢶఖೠ ࢚ಿী ؀ೠ ҳ୓੸ੋ ஂೱ
          ਸ ޛਸ ٸ ࢎਊೞח ಴അੑפ׮

           " How would you like your eggs, sir?         " ׳ќ਷ যڌѱ ਃܻ೧ ܾ٘өਃ਷    ࣚש
           # I’d like to have them sunny side up on toast.   #  ׳ќ਷ ೠଃ݅ ੊ഃ షझ౟ ਤী লয ઱ࣁਃ
           " Okay. Anything to drink?                   "  ঌѷणפ׮  ਺ܐࣻח ೙ਃೞ૑ ঋਵࣁਃ
           # Let me have a glass of warm milk, please.   #  ٮڷೠ ਋ਬ ೠ ਖ਼ ࠗఌ೧ਃ

                                                                    sunny side up ߄ׯ ೠଃ݅ ੊൦ ׳ќ ೐ۄ੉

             झప੉௼ח যڌѱ ҳਕ ܾ٘өਃ           How would you like your steak?

             ஜ؀ח যڌѱ ೧ ܾ٘өਃ              How would you like your bed made?

             х੗ח যڌѱ ਃܻ೧ ܾ٘өਃ            How would you like your potatoes cooked?

             ૑ತ ജ੹਷ যڌѱ ೧ ܾ٘өਃ

             ׳ќ਷ যڌѱ ਃܻ೧ ܾ٘өਃ

             ழೖח যڌѱ ఋ ܾ٘өਃ

             ஡పੌ਷ যڌѱ ٜ݅য ܾ٘өਃ

             ఋ௏ী যڌѱ షೝਸ লয ܾ٘өਃ

             ״Ҋӝח যڌѱ ਃܻ೧ ܾ٘өਃ

             Ҵࣻח যڌѱ ਃܻ೧ ܾ٘өਃ

                                                                               ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗   ଃী

                    4 bill ૑ತ   8 top ਤী ল׮   10 noodle Ҵࣻ

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